Jordan[Syrian refugees] Blog

Grey water garden


141211 ②生活排水が滞留した地域In our general life, we do not recognize the importance of sewage line. But can you imagine your life, that have no way to throw the used water such as laundry, cooking and from latrine?
The biggest refugee camp in Jordan, Za-Atari camp is currently accommodating more than 80,000 refugees which are around 20,000 households. But unfortunately, there is no sewage line to collect the waste water discharged from shelters. .

[Grey water flowing from a caravan]
141211 ①家庭から生活排水が流れている様子
This water flows from high to low places  and becomes stagnant water. As you can easily imagine,this stagnant water will negatively affect the environment of the community and will definitely have hygienic and bad smell implications. Also, rainy season has started from November 2014 which  will also increase the water level.

[Stagnant Water]
Considering this situation, JEN with other agencies have started a project for planting Eucalyptus to utilize this wasted water.
JEN will promote the project to the community and those households flowing water from their shelter, and suggest this solution and benefit for this. Refugees who have interest dig a hole by themselves, and agencies with expert will come with pipes to install and plants to plant. Involving the refugees to be participant of the installment process is effective to ensure ownership.
Currently, the project is focusing in the areas where the amount of flux  water is higher than other areas. Interestingly, some refugees who did not have any interest at the beginning of the project have showed an interest later on and started to dig their own pipes as well.Now this planting project is getting as a fashion in this community.

[Digging a hole for sowing plants]
141211 ③植林用の穴を掘っている様子
[Installing pipes and rocks below the plant]
141211 ④パイプ、白石を敷き詰めている様子
[A child carries  saplings to plant]
There are many communities that are carrying the similar problem in the camp, and raining season will continue until January 2015. But on the other hand, there is positive cycle that refugees start to participate by affection from their neighbors. To improve the circumstances of refugees in the camp, JEN will keep continuing the support as much as possible.

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